Don Lupe Cigar Lounge is the definitive spot in Long Beach to enjoy the finest quality cigars amid a friendly and comfortable environment. You can enjoy access to a large selection of premium cigars and accessories. Make yourself comfortable with our fancy set-up, including large comfortable chairs and HD TVs.
Whether you’re an experienced cigar aficionado or just starting out, everyone is welcomed to stop by and relax with a fine cigar. We have multiple HD televisions mounted to our wall and you can enjoy the big game on comfortable leather chairs. You can enjoy a great experience meeting with clients, relaxing with friends, or just easing the stress with a fine cigar.
We also provide humidity-controlled lockers available for annual lease. You can store your cigars and they will be fresh whenever you take them out. We can help claim your locker by decorating it in gold with your name.
Our friendly concierge staff looks forward to providing a world class cigar experience for you. Step into our lounge and have a smoke with the finest people around.